Wednesday, December 15, 2010

OuT oF pRoPoRtIoN

With any picture we found on the internet or one that we've taken, we had to crate and image that had something out or proportion. I used a picture of my mom and a picture of flowers I foudn on the internet.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

FAF Poster

Last week we had to design a poster for this year's Fine Arts Festival. We had to include this year's date, location, artist information, graphic designer (me), the Ablemarle County logo, and headlines. This was what my final image looked like!

Monday, December 6, 2010


Today we had to pick a photo and use a tutorial to change it. The theme was reflections. I chose to do a simple reflections picture with my dog. It only took a few steps and it looks pretty cool!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

nate is the best, I mean he is just the best. I love him

Hockney Style

The past two days we have been working on copying David Hockney's work. We had to chose our favorite picture that we have taken throughout the whole year and change it using his style. Hockney take parts of his photo and rearranges them to make it look like a collage. Ta-da! (The ta-da is for JMILLS)