Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Visual Puns!

This project is called visual puns (most people should know what that is). Just kidding, a visual pun is a picture that creates a new meaning. It takes two total different meanings and combines them into a new picture. The viewer should be able to understand what the image is trying to say. In this assignment, we had to come up with two visual puns. Mrs. Lewis gave us a list that we could choose from, but I chose to come up with my own. If you look at the picture above, you should see it represents apple of my eye. (:

This is my second visual pun. I chose to do a rock star! I cut out a picture of a rock and pasted it to my star. :)


  1. These are so cool. My favorite is the "apple of my eye,"...because you are :) !!

  2. This is really cool and inspiring, since I have to do at least 12 visual pun sketches for my art class. I like the apple of my eye one and the rockstar is cool too.
